Top 3 Ingredients to Improve Oral Health Instantly

Many common dental products (such as toothpaste and mouthwash) contain toxic ingredients that can destroy the microbiome in the mouth. Here are the top Ingredients for healthy teeth and gums:

1. Lactobacillus Paracasei

Supports the health of your gums and
Helps your sinuses stay free and open

2. B.lactis BL-04®

Supports the balance of mouth bacteria,
Supports respiratory tract, and
Maintains a healthy immune system

3. Lactobacillus Reuteri

Helps with inflammation and Supports a healthy mouth environment

Top 7 Reasons Why your Oral Health is Super Important

Oral health is a vital component of your overall health. The mouth is the gateway to the body, and poor oral health can lead to a variety of health issues that extend far beyond the teeth and gums.1. Preventing Systemic Diseases: Poor oral hygiene can allow harmful bacteria in your mouth to enter your bloodstream, leading to infections and contributing to systemic conditions like cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and respiratory infections. For example, there's a strong link between gum disease (periodontitis) and heart disease, as the inflammation in the gums can increase inflammation in the blood vessels, raising the risk of heart attacks or strokes.2. Impact on Digestion: Your mouth is the first step in the digestive process. Proper chewing and saliva production help break down food, making it easier to digest. Poor oral health, such as missing or painful teeth, can lead to difficulty in chewing, leading to poor digestion and potential nutritional deficiencies.3. Diabetes Management: There is a bidirectional relationship between diabetes and gum disease. Poor blood sugar control can increase the risk of gum disease, and severe gum disease can make it harder to control blood sugar levels. Maintaining good oral health can, therefore, play a role in managing diabetes more effectively.4. Pregnancy Complications: Pregnant women with poor oral health are at a higher risk of complications such as preterm birth and low birth weight. The inflammation and infection associated with gum disease can affect the developing baby.5. Respiratory Health: Bacteria from the mouth can be inhaled into the lungs, leading to respiratory infections like pneumonia, particularly in individuals with compromised immune systems or chronic respiratory conditions.6. Boosting Self-Esteem and Mental Health: Oral health also impacts your mental well-being. Painful or missing teeth can affect your ability to speak and smile confidently, leading to social anxiety and a decline in self-esteem. A healthy smile contributes to a positive self-image, which is important for mental health.7. Preventing Oral Cancers: Regular dental check-ups include screenings for oral cancer, which, if detected early, can be treated more effectively. Early detection is key in improving the prognosis for oral cancers.Maintaining good oral hygiene—brushing, flossing, and regular dental visits—is essential not only for a healthy mouth but also for protecting your overall health. By taking care of your oral health, you're contributing to your long-term well-being.

Say goodbye to Bad Breath, Plaque, and Gum Disease by taking control of your oral health today. Having a healthy mouth microbiome helps ensure teeth and gums stay healthy. Fight Gingivitis, Receding gums and periodontal disease by getting ProDentim TODAY.

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